Acupuncture for Wellness
Acupuncture for wellness provides services that promote optimum health and wellness.
Wellness is an ongoing process that involves awareness and implementation of healthy choices directed towards the successful well being of one's spiritual, emotional, physical, occupational, and social existence. By actively focusing on these personal life dimensions, and with proper diet, exercise, and healthy habits, one is able to enjoy a more balanced and satisfying lifestyle.
Wellness involves looking at the whole person, not just their lifestyle or the symptoms they may be experiencing. It is how all things are connected within their life. One way of promoting and maintaining health and wellness is through the use of acupuncture. Acupuncture is not only a safe, effective treatment for acute and chronic conditions, but it can be used in a preventative manner as well. Many health problems can be corrected before one resort to the use of medications, or surgery.
Seasonal preventive program/treatment
In Chinese medicine each season is connected with particular organs of the human body. For instance, summer is connected with the heart and the small intestine. Fall is connected with the lungs and the large intestine. Winter is connected with the kidney and bladder. Spring is connected with the liver and gallbladder. It is also recognized that Indian summer is connected with the spleen and the stomach. Chinese medicine believes treatment is more effective for these organs if done during their season. Timing is important as well. Treatment is ideal if it is done between five days before the start of the new season and end no later than seven days after the start of the season. Please contact my office should you wish to know more. Be sure to contact our office about seasonal treatments.
2024 2025 2026 2027
1st Day of Spring 03/19 03/20 03/20 03/20
1st Day of Summer 06/20 06/20 06/20 06/21
1st Day of Fall 09/22 09/22 09/22 09/23
1st Day of Winter 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21
With quality health care at rate you can afford,
it’s time to live better
Balance Your Body for
Optimal Health

Authentic Chinese Acupuncture
1370 116th Ave. NE, Suite 208
Bellevue, WA 98004