Acupuncture for Auto Injury
Do you know acupuncture is good for auto injury? Find out the benefits of how acupuncture can help you.
Victims in an automobile accident may include the car's driver, passengers, by-standers, and even the spouse of an injured person. All auto-accident victims may be able to recover any injuries they may have suffered by acupuncture treatment with no fee or cost up front.
Those aches and pains you are experiencing after your car accident, injury or fall are an indication that the area has suffered damage. The majority of auto accident and injury victims are unaware of hidden injuries because at times medications are masking the pain. Pain-relief and anti-inflammatory medications provide excellent short-term pain-relief by blocking the production of pain-causing substances (prostaglandins). When an injury occurs, not only is tissue damaged, but also the injured area loses its integration with the rest of the body.
Whole body treatment is important
Here at Authentic Chinese Acupuncture, we provide whole body treatment which helps restore the integrity of your system. Untreated and/or poorly treated cases of general injuries and auto injuries can result in lifelong problems and suffering. Our goal is to optimize your recovery while minimizing long-term problems that can occur. Treatment of the whole body can identify and address both major and minor injuries that may have been overlooked, but still need to be treated. When a major impact occurs such as in a fall or an auto accident, often many injuries occur simultaneously, both large and small. If ignored, the pain may go away for a while but left untreated as the tissue heals scar tissue develops the damage will not heal correctly. Some soft tissue symptoms include:
- Muscle stiffness
- Neck pain
- Numbness and tingling
- Low back pain
- Fatigue
- Spasms
- Headaches
- Mid-back pain
- Difficulty sleeping
- Sore and achy muscles
- Difficulty concentrating
Do you need to seek treatment?
If you answer YES to any of the questions below, you may be suffering from a misalignment or dislocation due to an auto accident or injury, and acupuncture can help:
- Headaches, head and neck pains, stiff neck, muscle spasms
- Restricted head motion
- Equilibrium problems, loss of hearing, ringing in the ears
- Eyestrain, increased sensitivity to light
- Dizziness / Light-headed, excessively tired, or blacked out
- Neuralgia (nerve pain) or neuritis (nerve inflammation)
- Cold hands or feet, or numbness of arms, hands, shoulders, feet, legs
- Unexplained depression, anxiety, irritability
- Unable to concentrate, and poor memory
- Pains between the shoulders, low-back pains, tremors, rapid heartbeat
- Poor sleep, fatigue, depression
Acupuncture treatment for auto injuries
Here at Authentic Chinese Acupuncture, we have the expertise and skills to diagnose your injuries and provide the care that you need to optimize your recovery. Dr. Ren performs an extensive evaluation in order to properly diagnose you following an accident or injury. Once she has diagnosed your injuries, treatment may include acupuncture, massage/tuina acupressure therapy, cupping, electric stimulation, and other pain relief techniques. She tailor treatment specifically for you and your injuries, and best of all it feels so good and relaxed, and yet you will be benefiting from the expert injury care of her highly specialized expert. Her patients love the personalized attention and learning about the source of their discomfort. At Authentic Chinese Acupuncture, we have the tools to diagnose your injuries and help you feel better as quickly as possible.
How much do acupuncture treatments cost?
In general, there is no fee upfront with patients, If your claim is open and you are still seeking and receiving medical treatment related to your accident, there is a good chance that your car insurance company will cover your acupuncture treatments. Please give your claim information to your acupuncture provider to have your claim verified. We accept all automobile insurance. >> To read more about Auto Insurance for Acupuncture treatment
For more information about Acupuncture to help you in your recovery from injury, sprain, strain or other traumatic impact contact us today. All patients are entitled to a free consultation and exam at no obligation. We look forward to hearing from you!
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struggling with auto injuries

Authentic Chinese Acupuncture
1370 116th Ave. NE, Suite 208
Bellevue, WA 98004