Acupuncture for Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies occur when someone reacts to the pollen of flowers in trees, grasses and weeds, and causes symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, and fatigue. Allergies are a sign of an imbalance in the immune system. Balancing and strengthening the body can be the best thing to decrease or even rid oneself of seasonal allergies altogether.
Although western medications are available, even over the counter, they come with their own host of side effects, one being temporary loss of smell and taste. Other side effects include headache, fatigue, wheezing and abdominal pain. Plus, medications do nothing to improve health and prevent further allergies.
Acupuncture is a great way both to treat symptoms of seasonal allergies, and to bring the body into balance so one need not suffer seasonal allergies in the future. Often patients get some relief during the first visit while lying on the exam table with their acupuncture needles in place. After an initial series of treatments, patients come in for further treatments on an as needed basis. Some patients come back in once or twice a year for a booster while others may come more often. In general, patients do better if they avoid sugar and milk in their diets. They have better and longer lasting responses. We have seen many patients who failed medication and allergy shots respond to acupuncture. Patients continue with whatever standard treatments they are currently undergoing while getting acupuncture treatments. Most patients end up significantly reducing or eliminating their dependence on allergy medications.
Get started
The best time to come for treatment is 2 – 3 months before the season starts. For better or for worse most people come at the peak of the season where we have to focus more on symptomatic relief before we can focus solely on the underlying causes. Either way, for the majority of people we can lessen the symptoms they have for the current season and greatly reduce if not entirely eliminate the responses in the following seasons. For year around sufferers, anytime is a good time to start treatment.
We offer In-person seasonal allergy consultations, acupuncture, and integrated treatment therapy. Get started now... contact us today at 425-646-6888 to schedule your appointment or free consultation
Relieve Allergies the Safe
and Effective Way

Authentic Chinese Acupuncture
1370 116th Ave. NE, Suite 208
Bellevue, WA 98004